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Digital Gardens, Zettelkasten and Second Brains
Chris Aldrich has some interesting thoughts on these topics here Someone is maintaining a really ...
Node Version Management
Volta is a modern NodeJS runtime and tooling manager similar to NVM. An advantage of Volta over n...
npmrc files registry namespaces and credentials that allow users to authenticate against private ...
The Fetch API was adopted as a standard replacement for XMLHTTPRequest in the last few years. It ...
Logging and Winston
Winston is a fancy logging library for node. Using Common Loggers Between Packages As per this st...
Handling File Uploads in Express
Express and Multi-Part Uploads Historically I've used the express Multer middleware and associate...
Debugging Complex TS Projects in VSCode
launch.json Config File This page assumes a build config based on the one in Publishing Type Defi...
AMQPLib and RabbitMQ
Channel closed by server: 406 (PRECONDITION-FAILED) with message "PRECONDITION_FAILED As explaine...
Publishing Type Definitions
It can be useful to be able to publish these types in custom NPM repos e.g. Gitlab Configuring pa...
NPM and Gitlab
Gitlab has a built in package repository that can be used as a stand in for NPM's global repo. Be...
ORM for node.js with Typescript compatibility
SQLAlchemy and MySQL
Install dependencies for SQLalchemy and MySQL: pip install sqlalchemy pymysql python-dotenv ...
Data Lakehouse
A data lake house combines together the best bits of data warehouses and data lakes. Data Lak...
LogSeq provides a HTTP API for developing plugins. The documentation is not particularly intuitiv...
Story Mapping
CLI Development
Simon Willison has some really interesting/useful advice for building command lines (mirror). I ...
RSync is a FOSS file copying/syncing tool that has a number of uses and can be used to sync via S...
FastAPI Logging
Inspired by
Low and No Code Frontends
Quite often it is useful to have ugly-but-functional frontends for accessing things like database...
Batch Iterating in Pandas
BATCH_SIZE=32 for k,grp in df.groupby(np.arange(len(df))//BATCH_SIZE): # grp is a tiny data...